Assets & Liabilities
These are simply my criteria regarding the topic. Ours will probably not match due to
personality differences but this kind of criteria will most likely get better results than the
old test of “does that person set my heart a-flutter?” with a side dish of “does he/she
have a good career in mind?”
What I have to offer
- Well-educated
- Good at communicating with partner (including listening)
- Able to reach win-win compromises much of the time
- Good health habits including exercise and martial arts
- Positive attitude most of the time
- Author and Entrepreneur
Qualities I'm looking for
- Actively affectionate and demonstrative including cuddling, hugging and kissing.
- Respectful of my time including keeping most appointments but letting me know ahead of time when you can’t keep one.
- Able to accept compromises and second choices while still being happy
- Disagree and argue constructively, not destructively
- Trustworthy & honest
- Team player – we actively look out for each other’s happiness
- Good-natured / in reasonable control of temper
- Ability to be pleasant in the face of adversity (which frequently presents itself throughout life anyway)
- Willing & able to dialogue/communicate.
Traits I’m looking to avoid
- Hyperverbal, hyperactive, too loud, too bossy
- Perpetually nervous and I can’t calm her down
- Flighty/short attention span
- Any tobacco use
- Too much alcohol use
- Too materialistic
- Too many body alterations
- Mistrusts men – carries a lot of “baggage” from past relationships
- In constant competition with men / feminist jousting for position.
- Too busy to see me on a regular basis
- Drops out of contact between dates
- Overly flirtatious with other men
- Has only male friends
- Expects all the attention and action to revolve around her
- Too political or too religious
- Thinks lying is a “girl’s prerogative”
- Switches between modern and traditional female behavior when convenient for her purposes
- Always needs excitement, gets bored with tranquil activities