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My 26 Best Self-Regulating Techniques

Table of Contents

Foreword 3
Some waste is inevitable 4
Accessing assumptions hidden in the subconscious 5
How to improve self-worth 6
Changing bad luck in the short run 7
Universal human desires 8
Ever-changing goalposts 9
Changing good habits too 10
Teaching work skills to children 11
I tried to find someday on the calendar but it wasn’t there 12
Don’t get paralyzed by fear of making the wrong choice 13
Manipulating vs. managing 14
Feelings 15
Long-term relationships – assets & liabilities 16
The joy of tasks 18
Selecting the people you let in your life 19
Don’t fear the learning curve 20
Procrastination fixes that worked for me 21
Middle class guilt 22
Change 23
Childrearing advice 24
The most productive continuous workday 25
Don’t play “not to lose” 26
Grieving “on a schedule” as a healthy release valve 27
Changing an undesirable habit 28
New tastes 29
Miscellaneous notes 30